Go Openings Every Player Should Know

Are you tired of losing at Go? Do you want to improve your game and beat your opponents? Then you need to learn the right Go openings. In this article, we will discuss the Go openings every player should know.

What are Go Openings?

Go openings are the first few moves of a game of Go. They set the tone for the rest of the game and can determine the outcome. A good opening can give you an advantage, while a bad one can put you at a disadvantage.

Why are Go Openings Important?

Go openings are important because they set the stage for the rest of the game. They determine the direction of play and can influence the outcome. A good opening can give you an advantage, while a bad one can put you at a disadvantage.

The 4-4 Point

The 4-4 point is the most common opening move in Go. It is a balanced move that allows for flexibility in the rest of the game. It is also a good move for beginners because it is easy to understand and play.

The 3-4 Point

The 3-4 point is another common opening move in Go. It is a more aggressive move than the 4-4 point and can lead to a more territorial game. It is also a good move for beginners because it is easy to understand and play.

The 5-3 Point

The 5-3 point is a less common opening move in Go. It is a more aggressive move than the 4-4 point and can lead to a more territorial game. It is also a good move for beginners because it is easy to understand and play.

The 3-3 Point

The 3-3 point is a very aggressive opening move in Go. It is not recommended for beginners because it can lead to a complicated game. However, it can be a powerful move if played correctly.

The Low Approach

The low approach is a common opening move in Go. It is a defensive move that allows for flexibility in the rest of the game. It is also a good move for beginners because it is easy to understand and play.

The High Approach

The high approach is a more aggressive opening move in Go. It is a territorial move that can lead to a more aggressive game. It is not recommended for beginners because it can lead to a complicated game.

The Kobayashi Opening

The Kobayashi opening is a popular opening in Go. It is a territorial opening that can lead to a more aggressive game. It is not recommended for beginners because it can lead to a complicated game.

The Chinese Opening

The Chinese opening is a popular opening in Go. It is a territorial opening that can lead to a more aggressive game. It is not recommended for beginners because it can lead to a complicated game.

The Sanrensei Opening

The Sanrensei opening is a popular opening in Go. It is a territorial opening that can lead to a more aggressive game. It is not recommended for beginners because it can lead to a complicated game.


In conclusion, Go openings are important because they set the stage for the rest of the game. The 4-4 point and 3-4 point are the most common opening moves in Go and are good for beginners. The 5-3 point and 3-3 point are more aggressive moves that can lead to a more territorial game. The low approach and high approach are defensive and aggressive moves, respectively. The Kobayashi opening, Chinese opening, and Sanrensei opening are popular openings that can lead to a more aggressive game. By learning these Go openings, you can improve your game and beat your opponents.

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