Learn Go

At learngo.page, our mission is to provide a comprehensive and accessible resource for individuals who are interested in learning the game of Go. We believe that Go is a fascinating and intellectually stimulating game that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and backgrounds. Our goal is to make learning Go easy and enjoyable for everyone, regardless of their prior experience or skill level. We strive to provide high-quality tutorials, articles, and other resources that are clear, concise, and easy to understand. Our ultimate aim is to help people develop a deep appreciation for the game of Go and to foster a vibrant and supportive community of Go players around the world.

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Go is a strategic board game that originated in China over 2,500 years ago. It is played by two players who take turns placing black and white stones on a 19x19 grid. The objective of the game is to control more territory than your opponent by surrounding their stones with your own. Go is a complex game that requires both tactical and strategic thinking, and it has been compared to chess in terms of its complexity and depth.

If you are new to Go, this cheat sheet will provide you with everything you need to know to get started. We will cover the basic rules of the game, common strategies and tactics, and resources for learning and improving your skills.

Basic Rules:

  1. The game is played on a 19x19 grid, although smaller boards (9x9 and 13x13) can also be used for shorter games.

  2. The players take turns placing stones on the board. Black goes first.

  3. Stones are placed on the intersections of the lines, not in the squares.

  4. Once a stone is placed on the board, it cannot be moved.

  5. Stones can be captured by surrounding them on all sides with your own stones.

  6. The game ends when both players pass their turn consecutively, or when all the empty spaces on the board are filled.

  7. The player with the most territory at the end of the game wins.

Common Strategies and Tactics:

  1. Control the center of the board: The center of the board is the most important area, as it allows you to control more territory and have more options for attacking and defending.

  2. Build a strong position: It is important to build a strong position early in the game, as this will give you more options for attacking and defending later on.

  3. Use influence: Influence refers to the ability of your stones to affect the surrounding area. By placing stones in strategic positions, you can create influence that will help you control more territory.

  4. Attack weak groups: Look for weak groups of stones that can be easily surrounded and captured. Attacking these groups can give you a significant advantage.

  5. Defend your own groups: It is important to defend your own groups of stones to prevent them from being captured.

  6. Sacrifice stones: Sometimes it is necessary to sacrifice stones in order to gain a strategic advantage or to save a more important group of stones.

  7. Use ko fights: A ko fight is a situation where both players repeatedly capture and recapture the same stone. This can be used to gain an advantage or to force your opponent to make a mistake.

Resources for Learning:

  1. Online tutorials: There are many online tutorials available that can teach you the basic rules and strategies of Go. Some popular sites include Sensei's Library, GoGameGuru, and GoBase.

  2. Books: There are many books available on Go that cover a wide range of topics, from basic strategy to advanced tactics. Some popular titles include "The Game of Go" by Arthur Smith, "Learn to Play Go" by Janice Kim and Jeong Soo-hyun, and "Elementary Go Series" by James Davies.

  3. Go clubs: Joining a local Go club can be a great way to learn from more experienced players and to meet other Go enthusiasts.

  4. Online communities: There are many online communities dedicated to Go, where you can discuss strategy, ask for advice, and play against other players. Some popular sites include OGS, KGS, and Tygem.


Go is a fascinating and complex game that can provide a lifetime of enjoyment and challenge. By learning the basic rules and strategies, and by practicing regularly, you can improve your skills and become a formidable player. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced player, there is always more to learn and discover in the world of Go.

Common Terms, Definitions and Jargon

1. Go: A strategic board game originating from China.
2. Board: A square grid of intersecting lines on which the game is played.
3. Stones: The game pieces used to play Go.
4. Territory: The area of the board controlled by a player's stones.
5. Capture: The act of removing an opponent's stone from the board.
6. Liberty: An empty intersection adjacent to a stone.
7. Ko: A situation in which a player cannot repeat a previous board position.
8. Life: A group of stones that cannot be captured.
9. Death: A group of stones that can be captured.
10. Eye: An empty intersection surrounded by a player's stones.
11. Atari: A situation in which a stone has only one liberty left.
12. Sente: The initiative to play the next move.
13. Gote: The disadvantage of having to respond to the opponent's move.
14. Fuseki: The opening stage of the game.
15. Joseki: A standard sequence of moves in the corner of the board.
16. Tenuki: The act of playing elsewhere on the board instead of responding to the opponent's move.
17. Hane: A move that creates a diagonal connection between two stones.
18. Tsuke: A move that connects two stones in a straight line.
19. Atari-Go: A simplified version of Go played on a smaller board.
20. Handicap: A system of giving weaker players an advantage by starting with more stones on the board.

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